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Friday, November 25, 2005
On this day:

Lil Walker

Gracie's walking behind her push-thingee here. (It's a movie... ~136K or so...)


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Gracie girl - you're growing sooo fast! Cute video.

7:37 PM  

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1st Thanksgiving!!

Gracie likes sweet potatoes!!

Gracie also likes drumsticks!!


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Happy 1st Thanksgiving, my littlest sweet potato.

9:46 AM  

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
On this day:

EEG Results....

Everything's NORMAL!


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Makes Granny smile! :-)

7:10 AM  

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
On this day:

EEG day...

Today we went for Gracie's EEG. First, she was sedated, then her head was measured:

Next, leads were placed on her head:

After all the leads were on, she went through 20 mins or so of recording her brain activity:

Here's Gracie afterward!!

We won't find out for a while what the results are, but we have faith that whatever the results are, God is in control...


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Makes Granny cry.

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you mention sedation Sissy is assuming that the nap time thing didn't work out :)We love you Gracie Girl.. you are such a beautiful lil trooper.

4:30 PM  

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Monday, November 21, 2005
On this day:

Bath Time


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Sweet pictures!

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissy loves these - especiallly the b&w shower one....

4:28 PM  

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Friday, November 18, 2005
On this day:

You MUUSTT listen to MEEE!

Again, Gracie's attempting to put the whammy on someone:


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

I think she's already put the whammy on me! With her sweet eyes.
What a big girl standing like she is now.

7:45 AM  

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Gracie's become an expert at Hide 'N Seek....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissy thinks that looks like a fun game... (love the expression)

6:02 AM  
Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

A star is born - you can even see the spotlight behind her! Wonder how she got in that spot?

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like she is practicing going to the washerteria with Poppie for that 25 cent ride in the big tumbler!

8:12 AM  

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005
On this day:

Anna G's style

This posting is a pictorial describing Gracie's "meet and greet" style....

Step 1: The 'introduction step'- Notice below, the casual meeting between the Baby Anna Grace, and the Dog (Fla)Mingo. Little Miss is acting like she's too 'high strung' for this kind of meeting. She exhibits this attitude with what I call the "I'm looking away right now, because I'm not caring what you say" behavior. This seems to run in the family through the women of the house. :-)

Step 2: The 'feigned curiosity' step - Notice how when Little Missy sees something of Mingo's, she asks casually about it. In this case, the common dog biscuit is the item of interest. Mingo then readily explains to her what it's all about, how good it tastes, and various other fun facts about dog biscuits. (Also notice the advise and counsel Gracie gets from other women of the household....see step 1)

Step 3: The 'bait and switch' step - Yes, sadly, Mingo has now fallen victim to this crucial step in the 'meet and greet'. Notice, Gracie's now switched from asking about the biscuit to Mingo reciting the attributes of said biscuit, to Gracie feeling the necessity to 'experience' the biscuit. Yes, duped Mingo looks on in disbelief at this sad turn of events.

Step 4: The 'true color' step - This is when the perpetrator reveals her true colors to Dog Mingo. Baby Grace is now full bore going to town on the illicit wares. Poor Mingo is left to despairing cries of 'BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mingo LOVES Anna Grace's style and doesn't mind being "duped". She says "Lets do it again!!"

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissy wonders if dog biscuits are cheaper than baby cookies/crackers? Might have a discovered a cost saving initiative.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor doggy!

10:58 PM  
Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Aunt Diane surely must have wonderful snacks for cute little dogs and precious little girls.

12:53 PM  

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Saturday, November 05, 2005
On this day:

Blowin' the tummy!

Tanner having good times with Gracie:

Click on the picture to download the movie file of this...It's hilarious!! (It's 465K, so if you're on dialup...you'll be waiting)


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Tan Man, Save some of the sugar for the rest of us!

7:49 AM  

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Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

OK - Granny is ready for some new pictures.

8:37 AM  

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Gracie just found out that we were having Popeye's chicken...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love from Sissy - what a cutie pie

7:48 PM  

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Kylie and Gracie...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissy thinks this looks like Kylie and Emily.. Gracie looks just like a baby picture I have of Emily.

7:47 PM  

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Movie time..

Here's a movie of her chewing fun.

Listen very closely towards the end, you'll hear a sound like the grinding of teeth. That's her four choppers chomping on our end table....


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Doing some reminiscing...

I pulled this out of the December 2004 archive.

If you have a minute, go back in time to some early pictures of Gracie...It's amazing how much she's grown.....how much we all have..in more ways than one :-O God has definitely blessed us with this beautiful baby and she will always have a special place in our hearts, as well as her faithful fans...


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Amazing! Gracie girl in the NICU seems so long ago!

7:53 AM  

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Friday, November 04, 2005
On this day:

Two Doctor Visits

1. We went to Dr. Pace to have her ears re-checked after finishing the antibiotics and the left one is clear but the right one is infected. So, after getting Synagis and Flu shots, we started yet another antibiotic for the ears. This time we are trying Omnicef. Be in prayer that this will clear up all the infection and that we won't be faced with surgery for tubes. Her weight is now 17 lbs 7 oz.

2. We met with a pediatric Neurologist concerning her seizures. He is not convinced that they were Febrile Seizures and has scheduled her for an EEG to be done the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We tried to schedule it around her afternoon nap time, but if she won't go to sleep on her own she will have to be sedated for the hour long procedure. Be in prayer that if there is something we need to follow up on, this test will reveal it. We are really hesitant to put her on anti-convulsants at this point.


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Thursday, November 03, 2005
On this day:

Standing up big girl!!


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Come on - I know someone is lying under that big dark blanket holding her legs.

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissy wants to know where you got that "fab" outfit...

7:21 AM  

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She loves her Daddy...


Blogger This, That and Some of the Other said...

Sweet picture.

8:31 AM  

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